Brain Café
07.12.2020 What use is a fine sense of smell to me?
Dr. Anika Pützer talks about the sense of smell.
Read more22.01.2020 New therapies for trauma disorders
Prof. Dr. med. Henrik Kessler talks about new approaches in trauma therapy.
Read more2019
06.11.2019 How intentional forgetting makes us more productive.
Prof. Dr. Annette Kluge explains why forgetting can be useful in the work context.
Read more09.10.2019 What happens when synapses fire?
Juniorprof. Dr. Andreas Reiner talks about how signal transmission between nerve cells works.
Read more04.09.2019 Neurorehabilitation: how the chip in the brain conquers paralysis
Dr. Christian Klaes talks about how Brain-Computer Interfaces could give paralyzed patients more autonomy.
Read more26.06.2019 How pigeons help us to understand a complex learning behaviour: extinction learning
Dr. rer. nat. Roland Pusch talks about how the brain overwrites old information with new ones.
Read more22.05.2019 Can stress change our genome?
Dr. Vanessa Lux talks about the question if stress can alter the genome.
Read more10.04.2019 Inherited diseases – from symptoms to diagnosis in human genetics
Dr Wanda Gerding will talk about her work in the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Department of Human Genetics at RUB.
Read more13.03.2019 The influence of sleep on memory and mental well-being
Dr Lorena Deuker talks about a good night's sleep.
Read more20.02.2019 Repair of the nervous system: new approaches from research
On 20th of February Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fischer talks about nerve damage.
Read more23.01.2019 The drumming brain – how drumming alters the brain
Dr Lara Schlaffke will talk about the way playing the drums alters the brain.
Read more2018
21.11.2018 I don’t get you – alcoholism and social cognition
PD Dr Patrizia Thoma will talk about the effects of alcohol dependency on interpersonal relationships.
Read more31.10.2018 Diagnosis zombie: What neuroplasticity and degenerative conditions can tell us about the brain
Right on time for Halloween Dr. Stefanie Borowy gives a talk about Zombie Brains.
Read more26.09.2018 Parkinson’s disease – can new treatments offer hope of a cure?
Prof. Dr. Lars Tönges will talk about Parkinson's disease and new treatments.
Read more20.06.2018 “Matrix under pressure”: changes of the cell environment associated with glaucoma
Dr. Jacqueline Reinhard will talk about risk factors for glaucoma development.
Read more16.05.2018 Does physical activity improve your brain? On the interaction between brain and muscles
Prof. Dr Daniel Hahn talks about the interaction between brain and muscles: "Does physical activity improve your brain?"
Read more18.04.2018 Behaviour without responsibility – is an artificial intelligence able to act morally?
Lukas Brand analyses how artificial intelligence and moral behaviour go together.
Read more21.03.2018 Mistakes should be avoided in learning! Or shouldn´t they?
Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel answers the question if mistakes should be avoided in learning or not.
Read more21.02.2018 Alzheimer’s – New Approaches in Basic Research
PD Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Müller discusses new approaches in Alzheimer´s research.
Read more24.01.2018 Remembering Unintentionally and Forgetting Deliberately – How Our Brain Processes Unwanted Memories of the Past
Dr. Gerd Waldhauser discusses the problems of "Remembering Unintentionally and Forgetting Deliberately".
Read more2017
22.11.2017 Inflammation in the brain – how does it affect our mental health?
Prof. Dr. Georg Juckel speaks on "Inflammation in the brain – How does it affect our mental health?
Read more18.10.2017 Special aspects of Multiple Sclerosis in women
PD Dr. Kerstin Hellwig speaks on special aspects of Multiple Sclerosis in women.
Read more21.06.2017 Living (brain-) dead? Philosophical questions about the brain death criterion and the transplantation medicine
Alexa Nossek speaks on the brain death criterion.
Read more17.05.2017 Challenges for the auditory system. Echo cancellation in the auditory system as a crucial component for sensory perception
Dr. Ida Siveke speaks on echo perception in the brain.
Read more26.04.2017 To the brain and back again: A journey through theoretical neuroscience
Dr. Fabian Schönfeld invites you to a journey through theoretical brain research.
Read more15.03.2017 Are mental disorders specifically human? Similarities and differences in the mind of humans and animals
Prof. Martin Brüne speaks about mental disorders in animals and how we can measure them scientifically.
Read more22.02.2017 The Implementation of Neuroscientific Methods as a turning point in Intelligence Research
Dr. Erhan Genc speaks about intelligence and how we could measure it for research.
Read more25.01.2017 The sick memory – from Freud to Alzheimer
Prof. Dr. Nikolai Axmacher talks abut forgetting.
Read more2016
23.11.2016 “Graded Balance”: A way out of the Vicious Circle of Chronic Back Pain
Prof. Dr. Monika Hasenbring presents a concept against chronic back pain.
Read more26.10.2016 How Speakers find the right word at the right time: Word finding and Word finding Difficulties in Healthy and Aphasic Speakers
Prof. Dr. Eva Belke talks about the process of finding words.
Read more28.09.2016 Actions speak louder than words: Neurobiological findings in connection with Paedophilla
Prof. Dr. Boris Schiffer provides an overview of the current state of knowledge about how sexual interests or preference patterns develop in the brain.
Read more22.06.2016 The Dress code in our Brain: What a striped dress which became a worldwide internet phenomenon has to do with neuroscience in Bochum
Anne Golisch presents a research project on the Internet phenomenon "The Dress".
Read more18.05.2016 Stressed? No need to lose your temper! – On the connection between stress and aggression?
Dr. Angelika Dierolf speaks about the connection between stress and aggression.
Read more20.04.2016 The Brain sees more than the eye
Prof. Dr. med. Ulf Eysel explains how the brain corrects the errors in the eye.
Read more16.03.2016 The Significance of the Immune System for Glaucoma
PD Dr. Stefanie Joachim explains the importance of the immune system for the formation of glaucoma.
Read more24.02.2016 Do Lefties die earlier? Myths and Facts on Handedness from a Neuroscientific perspective
PD Dr. Sebastian Ocklenburg clears up rumors about left-handers.
Read more27.01.2016 “Another year older!” – The latest News in age Research
PD Dr. Hubert Dinse talks about the question: What happens to our brain when we grow old?
Read more2015
25.11.2015 Alzheimer, Parkinson and Co.: What genes can tell us?
Prof. Dr. Konstanze F. Winklhofer talks about the genetic components of neurodegenerative diseases.
Read more21.10.2015 Migraine – More than just a Headache
M. Sc. Biol. Anika Hunfeld explains how migraines differ from other headaches.
Read more30.09.2015 MRI and Multiple Sclerosis – From Research to Medical Practice
Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Lukas gives an insight into everyday MS diagnostics in neuroradiology.
Read more24.06.2015 Does sleep support the memory of babies?
Dr. Sabine Seehagen gives an overview of recent research findings on the role of sleep for learning and memorizing in the first year of life.
Read more20.05.2015 I know how you feel: Neuropsychological changes to the ability for empathy in psychological afflictions
Dr. Patrizia Thoma speaks about the connection between mental disorders and problems in social interaction.
Read more22.04.2015 The radically evil – Thoughts on the original sin
Dr. Gunda Werner and Prof. Dr. Dr. Theodor Payk talk about "evil" in humans.
Read more25.03.2015 The Evolution of the Brain – Or: What do Neurosciences and Star Wars have in common?
Dr. Martin Pyka shows parallels between the evolution of the brain and the development of culture and science.
Read more18.02.2015 Life after Brain damage: What is happening to me? Where do I receive information? Who will explain to me what is happening?
Prof. Dr. Boris Suchan presents a new guidebook and answers questions of our guests.
Read more21.01.2015 Learning to walk again with the help of a Robot Suit. Does this work?
Dr med. Matthias Sczesny-Kaiser explains how training with a robot suits influences the nervous system.
Read more2014
19.11.2014 Neutral plasticity and self-repair in the adult brain
Prof. Dr. Ulf Eysel talks about the brain's ability to change and adapt even in adulthood.
Read more22.10.2014 What does “information” consist of and how is it processed in the brain?
Prof. Dr. Simon Ebbinghaus will travel through time to see how information storage has evolved in living organisms.
Read more17.09.2014 Turning off fear with light: Science fiction or reality?
Dr. Olivia Masseck presents the research opportunities of optogenetics.
Read more25.06.2014 Kopfschmerzen: Von der Volkskrankheit zu den Neurowissenschaften
Dr. med. Philipp Stude talks about the long history of headache research.
Read more21.05.2014 Ceausescus Kinder – Das Schicksal rumänischer Heimkinder
Prof. Dr. Robert Kumsta gives an overview of the long-term psychological consequences of early childhood home experience.
Read more30.04.2014 Multiple Sklerose: Erkennen, Verstehen, Behandeln!
Dr. med. Gisa Ellrichmann talks about explanations for the development and about the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
Read more19.03.2014 Hirnstimulation mit Fingerspitzengefühl – wie aus Grundlagenforschung ein Therapie-Handschuh für Schlaganfallpatienten wird
PD Dr. Hubert Dinse talks about the effects of passive sensory stimulation of the sense of touch.
Read more19.02.2014 Was leisten eigentlich Spiegelneurone?
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schlicht takes a look on this special kind of neurones.
Read more22.01.2014 Psychische Störungen im Kindesalter – Schrittmacher für psychische Störungen des Erwachsenenalters?
Prof. Dr. Silvia Schneider talks about psychological diseases in children and young adults.
Read more2013
20.11.2013 For a moment making everything out of nothing: What attention can tell us about the brain.
Dr. Marlies Pinnow explains which areas of the brain are related to different concentration performances.
Read more16.10.2013 Feeling fat: Body image and its depiction in the brain of anorexia nervosa patients
Prof. Dr. Boris Suchan gives insights into neuroscientific research in anorexia nervosa.
Read more18.09.2013 Brain Activity during State of Rest and State of Sleep
Prof. Dr. Sen Cheng explains what the brain does while we are sleeping.
Read more26.06.2013 Can you speed up your mind by eating fish?
Prof. Dr. Irmgard Dietzel-Meyer explains the biophysical processes, which determine the speed of neurons responding to environmental stimuli.
Read more22.05.2013 Therapy in the 21st century: Are Brain Tumors Curable?
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlegel explains modern approaches to brain tumor therapy.
Read more24.04.2013 Showing the Invisible – Brain Activity and Visual Perception
PD Dr. Dirk Jancke will give insights into the complex processes of neuronal activities and information processing.
Read more20.03.2013 Learning under Stress: Does this work? And if so, how?
PD Dr. Lars Schwabe explains how stress influences learning.
Read more20.02.2013 Learning and forgetting in a healthy brain
Prof. Dr. Denise Manahan-Vaughan explains the physiology of memory formation.
Read more23.01.2013 General basics of Stem Cell research, current controversies and perspectives for Neuroscience
Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner talks about the controversial topic of stem sell Research.
Read more2012
21.11.2012 Zen and the Neurosciences: When body and spirit come closer together
Dipl. Phys. Sebastian Thomas Philipp shows how meditation and neuroscience fit together.
Read more24.10.2012 Gone to the dogs: Neurogenetics
Prof. Dr. Jörg T. Epplen talks about the research on hereditary diseases of dogs.
Read more19.09.2012 My Left and my Right Self: How our two halves of the brain contribute to the development of the concept of self
PD Dr. Martina Manns will examine the question of where our two halves of the brain differ and how this contributes to the development of a concept of self
Read more20.06.2012 Control of the brain via light: A revolution for therapy and research?
Prof. Dr. Stefan Herlitze explains the principles and the development of optogenetic technologies.
Read more23.05.2012 The power of feelings: Positive Emotions as protective factors of our health
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Margraf will outline current research of positive emotions.
Read more25.04.2012 Beauty is in the brain of the beholder
Prof. Dr. Lars Kuchinke gives insights into current research of perception of aesthetic objects.
Read more21.03.2012 Neurogenetics – from the laboratory to the practice of medical councelling
Dr. med Andrea Epplen investigates the genetic causes of diseases.
Read more22.02.2012 The Irrationality of Interpersonal Behaviour
Prof. Dr. Martin Brüne explains: Our behavior is by no means always rational.
Read more25.01.2012 Becoming a Learning Machine: The Brain’s Development
Prof. Dr. Petra Wahle talks about the development of the central nervous system.
Read more2011
23.11.2011 Mental Timetraveling: When the brain dreams of christmas
Dr. Julia Weiler, Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology
Read more26.10.2011 How does the brain control our reactions?
Dr. Christian Beste, Biopsychology, Faculty of Psychology
Read more21.09.2011 The discovery of slowness: A concept of self-organisation in the brain
Prof. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott, Institut for Neuroinformatics
Read more29.06.2011 How to see? Vision processing and vision problems
Dr. Oliver Höffken, M.A., Neurological University Hospital Bergmannsheil, Faculty of Medicine
Read more18.05.2011 From crossword puzzles to making coffee: The organization of semantic knowledge in the brain
Dr. Christian Bellebaum, Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology
Read more20.04.2011 The brain under electrical power: Modern methods of artificial brain stimulation
Prof. Dr. Klaus Funke, Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine
Read more23.03.2011 Fear in the brain: Effects of stress hormones and sex
Dr. Christian Merz, Cognitive Psychology, Faculty of Psychology
Read more26.01.2011 Stroke: Effects in the brain
PD Dr. Boris Suchan, Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology
Read more2010
24.11.2010 Learning and memory
Dr. Verena Aliane, Experimental Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine
Read more22.09.2010 Our brain: Structure and function
Dr. Nora Prochnow, Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine
Read more