Focus on Outreach
Experiencing with all your senses and understanding – since 2011 the mission of the outreach project is to disseminate findings of our Sonderforschungsbereich 874. The aim of the project is to show the importance of free, knowledge-based research for an open and informed society and to convey the relevance of neuroscientific research. With tailored formats, we address different target groups of the general public and motivate our young researchers to face this exciting challenge.
BRAIN CAFÉ: The world of neuroscience – clearly explained and understandable for everyone: Once a month, neuroscientists present their work on the topics of learning, memory, processing of sensory impressions and neurological diseases in informative and entertaining lectures.
BRAIN DAY: A day dedicated to neuroscience: Under the motto “From fundamental research to therapy”, BRAIN DAY takes place once a year at Ruhr-Universität Bochum to present current research results to interested laypeople as well as exchange experiences and ideas with scientists and self-help groups from the spectrum of neurological diseases.
OFFERS FOR PUPILS: Children have a natural curiosity for science. The SFB 874 has developed various formats that encourage this curiosity in different age groups. These include painting and writing competitions on neuroscientific topics as well as workshops for school classes and support with high school projects and internships.
PRESS INFORMATION: In order to present the diversity of research topics and to inform the public about the findings, the SFB 874 issues press releases on the scientific publications of its members.
SPECIAL EVENTS: At major events, the SFB 874 comes into contact with many Bochum residents and provides insights into the exciting world of neuroscience.
Project Z2
Ursula Heiler, M.A.
International Graduate School of Neuroscience
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
FNO 01 / 114
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Phone: +49 - (0)234 - 32 - 26682
Fax: +49 - (0)234 - 32 - 14490