28.09.2016Actions speak louder than words: Neurobiological findings in connection with Paedophilla
Prof. Dr. Boris Schiffer, Head of Therapy, LWL Maßregevollzugsanstalt Herne, Faculty of Medicine,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
How, where, and when (deviating) sexual interests and preference patterns develop and become manifest in the brain and what causes these interests to be put into action is the subject of heated scientific debate. Unfortunately, very little empirical research has been conducted in this area. The lecture will summarise current knowledge in regards to these questions and present findings of a DFG-funded research project, as well as results of a research association funded by the Germany’s Federal Ministery of Education and Research (www.nemup.de), which has performed an in-depth neurobiological categorisation of more than 150 paedophiliac men.